Agenda Organization // Lifestyle Tips

It's no secret that many female students opt to use an agenda for school and activity planning purposes. To be honest, we definitely love our agendas. And what's not to love? As students, remembering homework assignments, tests, and activity meetings is quite a hard task to do without an agenda to help you get the dates & times straight. Good news! There any many (and we mean many) different types of agendas available that you are sure to find one that you can work with, should you be looking for one. This year, we are using one of the Mead Weekly/Monthly Planners.

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Typically, we write our homework in the writing space allotted for each day. On the weekends, or even when we have room left on a school day, we write down important events, or memories from the day. This way, we can keep our agendas as "mini diaries" throughout the years (you never know, you may just get super bored one day later down the road and decide to read your old agendas). 

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For us, the calendar portion of the agenda serves as a way to mark down any super important events (i.e. birthdays, holiday breaks, important events, etc.). There is also a little note space on the side of our agendas so we can write down any notes we may have that don't fit in the tiny squares.

Overall, we enjoy using our agendas to note our day to day events. We do however feel like there are better options for agendas, especially for students, out there. We would recommend this Kate Spade one or these from Lily Pulitzer but those are pricey options so the ones that we got are definitely a good cheaper option. There are many other cheap, handy options for agendas as well. Good luck on your search for the perfect agenda!

- xoxo -

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