Happy Pride {Love Won}

What a beautiful time for America. Equality is something that we believe in wholeheartedly, in all things. This is what positive change looks like. Love unites people and love is love, no matter what. Equal is equal. Love is Love. 

With Rainbow colors everywhere, these past few days have been a mark of change in America. We are all equal. No one is above anyone else and everybody's unique qualities deserve to be celebrated. Love is different for all of us, but we all feel it the same way.

Image result for love won

We are currently in Europe, but we are celebrating this victory for American society. Even from across the world, our US pride is shining. We know everyone has different opinions on this but we here at Simply Semisweet are very glad to see this positive change happening! #LoveWins

Happy Pride! 

Ivana & Kalina

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