We posted our New Years Resolutions for 2016 two weeks ago and today we wanted to write down our month to month resolutions. It is said that if you write a goal down, you are more likely to want to pursue and achieve it! Well, if that's true, then this year should be a good one for us in terms of achieving our goals (fingers crossed!). Here they are!
Recently, we have both started eating a little bit healthier and it feels great! Now, by eating we mean that we have just made a few changes and swaps in our diets. Personally, we do not believe in limiting ourselves to eating only healthy foods because (lets be honest) sometimes we just HAVE to satisfy our cravings with things like pizza and desserts. But, with that being said, we are trying to eat more balanced meals with more fruits and vegetables, and less processed and unhealthy foods. We have definitely noticed that it makes us feel better to eat a little more nutritious. Fruit smoothies for breakfast are the best! We will round up some of our favorite smoothies!
February: Meet at least one new person each week.
Both of us love getting to know new people, especially people that we can have intelligent and diverse conversations with. We feel like we can learn so much from others and it's just so fun and refreshing to get to know someone new. Every person has a different story which is so exciting! We really want to try and get to know a few more people this year in general to expand our pool of friends and acquaintances!
March: Have as much fun as possible and take risks!
March is going to be a very eventful month for us so we want to have enjoyable and memorable experiences. First off, we are going to visit Italy for spring break with our choir (definitely expect a post on that!) and friends. After, we are staying in Italy for a few more days with just our family and will also get to celebrate our Sweet Sixteen birthday there with them! When we get back, we will also be going to a Rachel Platten concert with friends which will be a blast! We want to make sure we get the most out of all of these experiences and have as much fun as we possibly can. The two of us also want to make sure we are open to trying new things during our trip especially since obviously going to Italy can be a life-changing experience!
April: Give more compliments to people (2-3 a day and not just physical)
We don't know about you guys, but we sure do like receiving compliments. Often, they are positive comments on appearance. These are the easiest to give out and receive because they don't require too much thought. Now, we aren't saying they're bad. On the other hand, they often leave us feeling empowered but we both want to start giving out more compliments-especially ones that focus less on appearance and more on overall conduct and personality. More genuine ones.
May: Get over 6 hours of sleep EVERY night and stop procrastinating.
Okay guys, this is a big issue. The two of us can never seem to get enough sleep which is VERY unhealthy. Six hours or less is the usual amount of sleep for us, especially on a school night. And even though we are busy trying to finish homework, not getting enough sleep makes us feel groggy and miserable the next day. We usually get up at 6:00 am for school, so we want to try to be in bed before 12:00 and asleep by 12:00. Sounds reasonable right?
June: Focus on positivity
We are bloggers first and foremost to be honest about our lives and share things that can be helpful to all of you! So here is the truth: we love being positive and happy, but it doesn't happen all the time. We unconsciously focus on the negative sometimes because we are human. But it feels so much better to be positive! It lifts our spirits and essentially we can decide whether to focus on the negative or the positive!
Do you have any goals for 2016?
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