Kansas City has been experiencing some gorgeous weather recently (70's? Sign me up!) and Ivana and I have been utilizing it to enjoy a couple of laps around the neighborhood every day! Spring time offers a great opportunity to enjoy outdoor recreation, especially when the weather is nice! We spend most of our days in a classroom, so it is really refreshing to get outside and actually exercise a bit after spending 8 hours in school.

The flowers are really pretty and it's really great to see so much color after the winter! I've always been a person for the warm weather (I want to live in the South) so I love seeing the weather turn warmer. Now granted, Kansas is notorious for its ever unpredictable weather patterns so not every day in the Spring is nice, but lately, for the most part, it has been very enjoyable! Other than the weather, my favorite part about spring is watching the flowers bloom!
What is your favorite thing about the Spring?
Blog post by Kalina Popova
1 komentar
Georgeous pictures! Love the flowers!