Kalina Popova -

This summer, after jet-setting on a one week trip to London, England (read London Travel Diary here), we made our way to our beloved home country of Bulgaria. For those of you who don't know, we were born in Bulgaria and consider it a second home. We visit family and friends there almost every summer and thoroughly enjoy going back to our roots for at least a few weeks each year. While in Bulgaria this year, we spent our time visiting our grandparents in Sofia, hiking up the beautiful mountain regions, hanging out with friends, and most importantly- visiting the beach. Bulgaria is situated next to the Black Sea and the beaches are beautiful. This year, we vacationed to Sozopol for the second time. We have visited many different beach towns in the country, but have always remained in awe of Sozopol which has now become our go-to place. With its preserved old architecture, ancient ruins, numerous restaurants, party night life, and insanely beautiful views of the ocean, the town is full of charm. The area is made up of two parts: the old town and the new town. The old town is mainly where the older architecture and cobblestone streets lie, along with a harbor where many yachts and boats sit. It may be the older part of town, but we find ourselves going there more often than the newer part (even though we always stay in a villa in the new town) because of the old beauty of the place. 
During our week-long stay in Sozopol, one of our favorite activities was climbing up and down the cliffs (especially at the end of the old town) because the views are magical, trust us. The water is such a bright blue color that at times it almost seems saturated, but its all real. We also traveled down to the harbor and Yacht club quite a few times. If you find yourself in Sozopol, taking a trip on a big boat or yacht is a MUST. The sunsets over the harbor were also breathtaking!
So how's the food here? Sozopol offers many different restaurants to eat at along with even more street food. We never leave Bulgaria without eating the infamous Nutella crêpes (which are huge and delicious!). Sozopol (like every single other part of the country) also has банички which are mini version's of banitsa - a Bulgarian filo pastry with feta. Kalina doesn't even like cheese and she likes these so if you're ever planning a visit to Bulgaria, be sure to try one!
We were so happy to visit our home country again this year to see our family and friends. Love you all 😘! We won't be doing a travel diary from Sofia, Bulgaria (the capital and city we were born in!) because we spent most of our time walking around/catching up with family and friends. We were two busy bees while in Sofia haha! But we hope you enjoyed our Sozopol Travel Diary and make sure to check out our video travel diary from the Black Sea as well!

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